Northridge Elementary
School Community Council

Our School Community Council is dedicated to the success and achievement of our children. The Utah State Legislature created these councils with three purposes in mind. The first is “To build consistent and effective communication among parents, employees and administrators.” Second, “To allow parents an opportunity to be actively involved, with the school, in their children’s education.” And third, “To enhance academic excellence at the school and address the needs of students.” We take these guidelines seriously at Northridge, and strive to be a model for how the SCC can make a difference in education.


The School Community Council is responsible to develop a yearly school improvement plan that is subject to the approval of the local school board. The school improvement plan identifies the school’s most critical academic needs, and recommends a course of action to meet those needs. In addition, the council is responsible for the allocation of School Land Trust Funds. These funds are intended to be used for implementing components of the school improvement plan. Also, the council assists in the development and implementation of a staff professional development plan. Finally, they are to advise and make recommendations to school and school district administrators and the local school board regarding the school and its programs, school district programs, and other issues relating to the community environment for students.
Northridge School Community Council
School Community Council Resources
Helpful Resources